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Istituto  Istruzione  Superiore  Cariati 

The Institute is located in a suburban area of the province of Cosenza, an area  extremely heterogeneous and, by various studies, one of the most depressed areas of Calabria with an index of very high unemployment (especially among young people ) . The Institute offers  services  in various  sectors  such as  industry and handicraft sector , which respectively addresses gastronomy and hospitality, maintenance and technical support, and it is also a  Technical and Technology Institute with  sectors  which addresses Chemistry, Material Science , Biotechnology , Electronics and Electrical Engineering.
Fishing and agriculture are the historical economic activities of the territory, in recent years the local economy suffered  significantly due to the dismantling of the hospital, which resulted as a significant loss of jobs in the service sector , so the school is the only public oversight for cultural, social, economical and productivity of the area .
Tourism is the real emerging  force of the economical development of the territory, which unfortunately has not yet reached adequate levels of development, despite the favorable conditions, such as  the climate,   natural  scenery,  the historical and architectural buildings. The school perceivable to this issue it  is actively involved as a partner at The Polo Professional Technical Calabria Region with the activation of training courses in the field of tourism  connected with cultural and agri-business.
The school adopts a reference model suitable to choose an observation point on the person and on the educational relationship, and how this particular interaction, fits and interacts with the relational context and social right of any specific person.
The reference model orients the choices and activities of the school, and indicates "a way of being" for anyone who is in an Educational / transformative relationship. The school has just over 500 pupils and are divided as follows :
Technical Education 293 of which No. 157 males and 136 females ;
Professional Instruction 168 of which No. 98 and No. 70 males females .
About 50 % of pupils , extraction medium low socioeconomic comes from Cariati , the remainder come from neighboring towns . Many of those who enroll in our Institute , have serious gaps in basic training , show no interest in learning and education  and they do not recognize an individual and social value , presenting relational difficulties . They are often dialect speakers ,they  read and write with difficulties, sometimes without understanding the meaning of the text . All this makes these students at high risk of school dropouts .
The I.I.S . " ITI - IPSIA " Cariati  has proposed itself  as a public service and identifies their users recognizing their  needs , rights and proposals .

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